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HEMO STOP Basic Bleed Control Kit

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MTR HEMO STOP Bleed Control Kits are designed to be used by the general public during natural disasters, active shooter, bombing, or mass casualty incidences. Putting life saving tools in the hands of those who can do the most good is the goal of the “Stop the Bleed” initiative.

Kits are available in Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.



1) Absorbent Towel

1) 8X8 Celox Pad

1) 3X5 Celox Roll

1) Blood Stopper Roll

1) Bio Hazard Bag 3 gallon

2) Pair Nitrile Gloves

1) Swat-T Tourniquet

1) Carry Bag

North American Rescue Cost 56.99

MTR Basic Individual Kit 55.95

With HEMO STOP kit similar to NAR Basic Individual Bleeding Control Kit

NAR Basic 8 Man Kit 839.99

MTR Basic 8 Man Kit 685.28

MTR Basic 12 Man Basic Kit 946.08

MTR Basic 24 Man Basic Kit 1791.87


“Stop the Bleed” is a nationwide program to empower individuals to act quickly and save lives. The three actions the campaign promotes is:

Step 1 - Compress:

Find where the bleeding is coming from and apply firm, steady pressure to the bleeding site with bandages or clothing.


Step 2 - Tourniquet:

If the bleeding doesn't stop, place a tourniquet 2-3 inches closer to the torso from the bleeding. (The tourniquet may be applied and secured over clothing.)

Pull the strap through the buckle, twist the rod tightly, clip and secure the rod with the clasp or the Velcro strap.


Step 3 - Compress Again:

If the bleeding still doesn't stop, place a second tourniquet closer to the torso from the first tourniquet.

Pull the strap through the buckle, twist the rod tightly, clip and secure the rod with the clasp or the Velcro strap.


DHS Program and Funding Assistance for Non-Profits:

To learn more about how to get involved in Stop the Bleed Campaign, or to find out about government grants, Contact “Stop the Bleed” at

*** All kits are built upon order. Expedited shipping options WILL ONLY SPEED UP DELIVERY TIME UPON COMPLETION OF THE KIT BUILD. It will not speed up the kit building process. Please allow up to 10 days build time (dependent on component stock/availability). ***


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