Basic Triage Kit

SKU: TR01 Click To Copy SKU


The Triage Kit is used to triage, treat, and prepare patients for transport. It contains the materials needed to organize and identify the four different types of patients rapidly and easily. Add the Triage Site Command Flag Kit for a total system to deal with large incidences.

Also comes with an in-depth book that offers tips on how to set up your triagMedical KitsFirat e unit as well as an explanation of what triage is, how to perform triage and the pitfalls of a triage operation. Also included are the following forms: Triage Treatment Log - Head-To-Toe Patient Evaluation - Injury Assessment - Body Identification Sheet.

Triage Kit includes:

  • 4 Legend Safety Vests:
  • These versatile safety vests have a clear legend on the front for name tag and the back area for assignment or design your own inserts.
  • 4 Rolls of 200 foot Colored Triage Tape:
  • Mark out your triage area with this unique tape:
  • Minor - Delayed - Immediate - Morgue
  • 12 Ground Stakes:
  • Use these to secure your triage tape in the ground.
  • 1 Triage Book (37 Page):
  • This in-depth book offers tips on how to set up your triage unit as well as an explanation of what triage is, how to perform triage and the pitfalls of a triage operation. Also included are the following forms: Triage Treatment Log - Head-to-Toe Patient Evaluation - Injury Assessment - Body Identification Sheet.
  • 4 Grease Pencils - 4 Clipboards - 25 Triage Tags - 4 Pencils - 8 ID Tags (front and back) - 1 Carry Bag
  • Weight: 9 lbs

